Huddersfield Town Foundation Stall Sale

20 of our young people through the Multi skills class have decided to raise funds through a Stall sale,

They will be raining funds for One Nation it’s a lovely way for them to get involved and do their bit for charity during the blessed days of Ramadhan,

You can get involved by supporting them in 2 ways
•Attend on the day & supporting them through sales
•Donate items such as , savouries\snacks/cakes/buns/drinks etc etc,

Anyone want to donate anything can drop off at Soothill community centre, broomsdale Road, soothill, on Wednesday 20th April 2022 at 3.45pm.

Please text or email on the following to let us know what you will be sending in

07741 671071
[email protected]

Jazakumullahu Khairan

Dawatal islam Mosque & Soothill Community association in Partnership with Huddersfield town Foundation,