

At Dawatal Islam, we offer the five daily prayers as well as Jum’ah prayer on Fridays. Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha prayers are offered annually and Janazah prayers can also be arranged for the deceased.

Funeral Services

“To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”
To arrange a funeral service (Janazah), please follow the instructions below and a member of our team will contact you.

Marriage Services

Islam teaches us that marriage is an important part of our life.
To arrange a Marriage Ceremony (Nikah), please follow the click the button below and a member of our team will contact you.

New Muslim Services

Our support team have enabled many new Muslims integrate Islam into their daily lives. We provide social support, education and mentorship to new Muslims and are always available and willing to provide clarity and advice on various aspects of Islam to individuals and their families.

Spiritual Guidance

Our experienced scholars and Imams are available for emotional or spiritual guidance and are aware of the sensitive needs of individuals and the community. The service aims to help individuals resolve issues they may have, through providing them a deeper understanding of Islamic values and teachings.

Youth Services

Dawatal Islam hosts a range of activities for the youth, from regular knowledge and volunteering classes to monthly sports tournaments. These supervised sessions allow both boys and girls to stop by and play games, socialise, make new friends and maintain a connection with the Masjid.

Interfaith Work

Over the years, we’ve collaborated and organised meetings with various faith leaders and religious groups to discuss the changing role that religion plays in today’s society and how we can work together to educate and protect our communities for a better tomorrow.

Womens Services

We are proud to offer information, advice and guidance services for women. Our qualified women scholars provide confidential and professional counselling to women of all backgrounds and walks of life. We also run a variety of seminars, practical workshops and talks on Islamic teachings specifically for women throughout the year.

For more Information on any services please contact us by following the link below.